Cherrelle 18th September 2019

14 years you was in my life and wow did you make it special. Threw my darkest of days you was my light, there to catch every tear that fell from my face, when I felt like I had nobody I always had you. The way you would wait for me to sleep and come back in the mornings for cuddles, you wasn’t just a cat to me, you showed me the meaning of best friends. There wasn’t a day I couldn’t count on you making it all worth while. You was so loving, affectionate, caring and forgiving. You was my little baby.. the love I feel for you will never fade. Just under a week ago we was playing in the garden to then me holding you in my dressing gown helping you drink, eat and survive but your kidneys decided otherwise.. our bond meant everything to me, the hardest thing In my life was being there when they put you to sleep, but I did it for you because look at how much you done for me, I wanted the last words you hear being me telling you I love you ... I miss you so much already kitty my baby girl forever & always R.I.P 🐱💔 💫